
common supplements you find in every
health food store, transfer factors
aren't vitamins, minerals, or herbs.
Instead, they're
smart peptide molecules that transfer
immune memory and knowledge from one
entity to another and are part of a
ground-breaking approach to immune
system support.
We are born
with transfer factors, and they are
included in breast milk. When transfer
factors are concentrated and consumed,
it has a tremendous effect on the human
immune system.
Transfer factors can upregulate the
immune system and downregulate the
immune system depending on what the
immune system needs at that time.
factors can help other nutrients
function better at the cellular level.
In one experiment, transfer factors were
included with vitamin C.
The combination of
transfer factors caused the vitamin to
function 550% better than vitamin C
Transfer factor is
a soup that includes nano transfer
factors. Transfer factors are the
knowledge, and nano transfer factors are
the wisdom. Transfer factors are
communicators that trigger the release
of many other cytokines within the
immune system. Transfer factors have
beneficial functions within the immune
system. They cause
the immune system to identify, react to,
and retain the information on potential
threats. This transfer factor
soup enhances the effect of other
nutrients and educates the immune system
on bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
Transfer factors
are not species specific. They
are present in both humans and animals
alike. We can borrow the robust immune
system of other species to enhance our
natural transfer factors' ability to
identify, react, and retain immune